We offer different Aim-Assist features (called 'modules'). They are standalone, independent features that are fully customizable to your needs. Modules that we currently offer are:
Acceleration: A module that will speed up your mouse movements whenever you move towards players. It includes humanization settings like curving and smoothing in order to look as legit as possible.
TriggerAim: Otherwise known as 'Magnet-Trigger', A customizable trigger-bot that will precisely aim towards players when you're aiming close to them and automatically shoot whenever you're hovering over a player.
RCS: (Recoil Control System), A humanized module to control your recoil. Options for different horizontal and vertical recoil assist are included.
Weapon-based configuration: Weapons can be configured differently based on what type they are (Pistols, Rifles, SMGs, Heavies, Snipers). People will snappier pistols can make a different config for those, and AWPers can make their sniper config according to their aiming style